New: Budget 2013-14 - 1. Proposal to introduce Commodity Transaction Tax (CTT) in a limited way. CTT applicable on the sale of commodities. Agricultural commodities will be exempted. CTT shall be at the rate of 0.01% on the value of transaction and the tax shall be payable by the seller.2.No change in the normal rates of 12 percent for excise duty and service tax.3. Excise duty on SUVs increased from 27 to 30 percent. Not applicable for SUVs registered as taxis.4.Proposals to levy Service Tax on all air conditioned restaurant.5.Additional deduction of interest upto 1 lakh for a person taking first home loan upto 25 lakh during period 1.4.2013 to 31.3.2014 (Total 2.5 lacs) Budget 2013-14!!!

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Monday, June 28, 2010

CS December Exam Circular

The Company Secretary's Handbook: A Guide to Duties and Responsibilities  Hi All,

The CS December exam circular has been published.

Please check the attached link.Click Here to check the circular.

The exams will start from 26.12.2010 and will end on 03.01.2011.

All the Best for the Exams guys.